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Happy New Year + 1-day Event! - #24

Happy New Year + 1-day Event! - #24

Server IP: play.mineraze.net
Website: https://www.mineraze.net/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hyrDW4bvHu
Store: https://store.mineraze.net/

Hello, everyone.
The day has come, and it's time to say goodbye to 2021 and welcome 2022 which hopefully will see everything returning to normal.

I want to thank everyone for supporting the server throughout 2021, whether it be simply by playing on the server or contributing monetarily. I would also like to give a special mention to my staff team. They help keep the server safe from people will ill intentions, and keep the server moderated, so everyone on the server can have a pleasant time.

I hope everyone will continue to support the server in the year ahead. Let's make 2022 an even more successful year for the server than 2021! 🎉


And of course, there are no proper New Year's celebrations without fireworks.

Only today, December 31st until midnight, there will be an hourly event on the server with firework shows as well as a new boss for you to fight.

Enjoy the firework show together with your friends on the server, and put an end to a certain virus boss in the Colosseum. Defeating the boss will award you with a special Mage Hat only obtainable on this day!

We wish you a very Happy New Year. Stay safe!