1 min read

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years!

Server IP: play.mineraze.net‌‌
Website: https://www.mineraze.net/
‌‌Discord: https://discord.gg/mineraze‌‌
Store: https://store.mineraze.net/

Hello, everyone.
The day has come, and it's time to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome a new year - 2023! 🎉

I want to thank everyone for supporting the server throughout 2022, whether it be simply by playing on the server or contributing monetarily.

2022 saw many new additions and milestones reached with 17 major updates for Survival and the massive Season 4 release, and the recent Skyblock release to finish off the year! The server also celebrated its 7th birthday, here's to another 7! 🍻

I would also like to give a special mention to my staff team. They help keep the server safe from people will ill intentions, and keeps the server moderated, so everyone on the server can have a pleasant time.

I hope everyone will continue to support the server in the year ahead. Let's make 2023 an even more successful year for the server than 2022 has been! 🔥


And of course, there are no proper New Year's celebrations without fireworks.

Until January 2nd, there will be an hourly event on both the Skyblock and Survival realm with fireworks shows. During a firework show, you can claim a 48-hours +100% Jobs Money and Experience boost!

The boosters can be claimed near the spawnpoints of both realms at the 'Happy New Years' NPC.

Enjoy the firework show together with your friends on the server - and remember if you go outside, stay safe and use goggles!


And let's kick off the New Year with a new giveaway.

Prize: 1000 Crowns
Winners: 3 random active players.

To enter the giveaway join Discord.

Have a good one - and stay safe!