Patch 4.8 - Bits N' Pieces

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Greetings everyone! A new update is now live on the server. The primary focus of this update has been implementing most of the heavily favored community suggestions. Let's get into the changes and additions!
The Archaeologist has been updated! He now features 6 brand-new quests with new objectives, and new rewards to be earned. They range from simple quests where you need to deliver a bunch of vanilla items, to more challenging quests where you must deliver custom items, including a new 'Skull of the Underworld' item which is a rare drop from the monsters inside Mythic Dungeons.
Rewards include a lot of in-game money, high-end artifact items, and powerful Artifact and Jobs boosters.
Check it out by visiting the Archaeologist in-game at the spawn's camp area!
There is also a new quest for opening Divine Caches. You can find this one in the Miscellaneous section of the /quests menu.
Several updates to Jobs have happened, such as:
- Builder Job pay has been increased by 100%!
- Woodcutter Job pay has been increased by 20%
- Killing the Warden now pays in the Hunter Job.
- More than a dozen new blocks have been added to the Builder Job, such as Sandstone, Calcite, Amethyst variants, Copper variants, and Mangrove variants.
- New blocks have also been added to the Woodcutter job, including all Mangrove variants and all Azalea leaves.
- There is now a global broadcast in chat when a player reaches level 50 in a Job.
Several other minor changes added with patch 4.8 include:
- Fixed the issue with maps being black in Vanaheim.
- Fixed Athelas Plant not dropping items correctly.
- Removed the Naga mob corpse mechanic.
- Updated the formatting of /msg and /reply. They now have a greener color, which makes it stand out from other chat messages.
- Added a new /tools command menu, which has all the virtual menus from the Kraken rank in an easy-to-use menu, such as virtual anvils, virtual enchanting tables, virtual furnaces, etc.
- There is now a new artifact 'Empowered Sponge' which drains both water and lava in a 7x7 radius. This new item can be found exclusively in the Vote Crate.